Friday, February 20, 2009

5 good things

    5 good things:
  1. Hot tea, hot cocoa...basically any hot beverage besides coffee (though I do love the smell of coffee)

  2. Gallery mounting...I love the option of not having to frame a photo, and I think the gallery mounting is perfect for that. It's cheaper than a canvas wrap though still just as cool. My sister and I did some photo/paintings for my mother's kitchen for a Christmas present, and they look pretty darn cool hanging on her wall. We went with the 1" mount, though there is also the 3/8" option.

  3. Having a window to look out during the day. Ok, so it's really a door with a window, but it's nice to be able to see the outdoors.

  4. Facebook. I don't mind admitting that I'm hopelessly addicted...I even made the studio it's own facebook page which really just feeds the addicition.

  5. My iPod. I love music...I literally listen to anything and everything...and every day has it's own soundrack.

Happy Friday!


  1. I love your purple iPod case. And despite my protests otherwise, I love Facebook too.
