Thursday, October 22, 2009

We've Moved!

Ok, before you worry the studio is still in the same location, but the blog has a new home!

Our new website launched early this week, and our blog is now a part of our website. I guess that makes our site a "blogsite". A special thanks to Robyn and Mike of Figit for all of their hard work on our new site. They did a fantastic job with our multitude of requests, and gave us an awesome customized site!

Our blog can now be found at

Be sure to update any bookmarks or RSS feeds. And if you usually read the blog via our Facebook page, we'll still be posting there, only the entries will post to Beth's account. So to keep up through Facebook, make sure you're friends with Beth Seitz!

And because every post is better with an image, here's one from Amy and Buff's wedding last week. I'm in the middle of processing everything, but I saw this one and it made me smile.

Happy Thursday!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Happy Birthday, Baby!

Elmo- who doesn't love the furry little guy who brings joy wherever he goes. He was the star appearance at Thomas' First Birthday Party this past Saturday. Grandparents and great grandparents came by to celebrate Thomas turning one. Thomas' day was full of joy and a LOT of excitement.

First - make sure that all the players are rested for the big event!

Iris and then Thomas get ready for all of the big doings!

Just about time for the birthday party to begin - Thomas is all suited up!

What??? I can't open the presents yet? That just doesn't seem fair!!!

Iris has already had enough for the day and the fun has just begun.
An Elmo card from Grandma...And she gave me this cool talking dog.
Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday to you...
No smashing for Thomas - not sure of his cake by the look on his face.

Presents get a better response - especially this cool Duplo table from Grandma and Grandpa.
Great Grandma and Grandpa gave Thomas this cool coat - he's ready for COLD weather!
A Fun day - and Thomas went to bed EXHAUSTED!
~ Beth

Friday, October 2, 2009

Gavin: bebé

Gavin was here for his 9 month session last week. Can't believe how big he's gotten in the past few months.

This one is my favorite :-)

Happy Friday!

P.S. Big changes are coming to the website & blog, so stay tuned!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The idea that no one is perfect is a view most commonly held by people with no grandchildren. ~Doug Larson

Now that I know how perfect grandchildren can be, a joyful photo session for me is one where a grandmother comes in with her grandchild.

Brenda came in for her own session last year and we became friends immediately. My first grandbabies were on their way and Brenda could not say enough about the fun it was to be a grandmother. She literally gushed about Ellie, her granddaughter and made it sound as if she hung the moon. Now that I know this incredible gift of grandbabies, I understand that she was telling the truth. Ellie did hang the moon ... for her!

Ellie is three and loves to jump around like Tigger. We had fun and from that time came photographs that show Ellie's personality - her bubbly enjoyment of all experiences.

Have fun seeing her love of life! ~ Beth

Monday, September 28, 2009

Strong Women ROCK!

If you have been following our blog the past few weeks, you will know that I have been waiting for Iris Marlene - our newest grand baby - to come into the world. Well she is here! A little story about her name...

She looks a bit like her namesake - her (paternal) Great Granny, Iris Seitz. Her middle name is for her maternal Great Grandmother, M. Arlene Samson.

What she does not know,and I hope to teach her, is how strong the two women she was named for were in their own lives. Both women had 6 children, staying home to care for them. They loved their children and grandchildren fiercely and always were involved in their lives.

Iris - it will be wonderful to watch you grow. I will tell you over and over - Strong Women Rock - and encourage you to always believe in yourself! I look forward to telling you tales of the women who you were named for, and seeing glimpses of them in you.

To my blog friends, enjoy this glimpse of the first few days of Iris' life...

Thomas- Iris' big brother is loving this new arrival!!

~ Beth